

Yup…. I involved in accident last weekkkkkk. Arghhhhhhhh~~~~~~~~. Since I forgot all the progressss, so i go retrieve the story from my friend------turtle, who drove car that day

原本以为今天会很开心 可以带领junior 可以玩游戏
兴高采烈的去到ksl家吃早餐 绑头发 出发
却在短短5分钟都还没到的路程 发生了车祸
我在弯角的那一霎那 完全失控了
撞向路中间的石道 当下的我好晕
但是我却可以强烈的感觉到 我的车子还有很大很大的冲力
我真的很害怕 很怕我的车会冲过对街 后果一定不堪设想
我不管3721 死命的把steering转回来
就这样 撞向一堆蛮大的石头 才终于停下来了
我的鼻子以下的部分 也整个撞向steering
我摸着自己的嘴巴 看到很多血 我很怕
我怕的是 我的牙齿会不会断到完 还好 全部都在
我看着车子冒烟 我的脚很痛
我看着旁边的gina 头部流血 眼睛关着
我看着后面的ksl 幸亏没事 只是头发变得有点夸张
看着她们两个下车 我却还坐在车上
除了脚痛 我的脑海就出现了两个问题
撞到这样 哥哥最爱的车灯有事么
接下来 我就听到她们俩轮流的一直在重复一些话
燕妮下车" "燕妮快点下车" "燕妮下来了" "燕妮燕妮"
系下安全带 我走到她们身边
我们三个人 淋着毛毛雨 坐在路边

全部都跑出来帮我们 打电话给救护车
再搬出椅子 要我们过去里面休息
扶着gina进去 我也晕了
晕的那一霎那 我去了一个地方 可是 我完完全全忘记是哪里了
我只知道 当我再睁开眼睛的时候 我发现 原来我真的闯祸了
看着旁边 关着眼睛 流着泪的gina
看着对面 最没事 最镇定的ksl在打电话 在搬车上贵重的东西

那个mak cik抬着她的头 要我一直跟gina讲话
老实说 当下的我真的没有多余的力气
我只能紧紧握住她的手 告诉她
你可以的 撑住 ambulance要到了 撑住 不要睡觉"
的哥哥也赶来了 ambulance却还很慢
我帮gina搽掉流出来的血 握住她的手
我就自己突然觉得浑身不舒服 吐了
她的哥哥马上把我的头抬起来 好晕
我们俩 就像是两条死鱼
突然的 我和她又吐了
也太久了吧 到底来了没

终于看到ambulances 竟然走错两次 到底是怎样啊
刚巧 妈咪打给ksl 要我进adventist
所以 ksl陪着gina上了ambulancesGH
ksl的哥哥就把车驾过来 送我去adventist
抵达那里 看见了samuelshen lung 有那么的被吓了一跳
他们帮我登记 而我就进去emergency
老实说 医生并没有检查到什么 非常敷衍与随便
幸亏 我和她都不用住院 只是她需要缝针

我的车 的确烂了
爸爸笑着问我一句 " 怎样 ok??"
我就像撒娇似的 把头埋在他的胸膛那 哭了
从发生到这一刻 我的心跳没有慢过
可是现在这一刻 我找到一个可以依靠的港口
我就只能马上靠下来 我的心定了很多 我并不坚强
爸爸感觉到我滴在他手上的泪珠 摸摸我的头
告诉我 没事了 妈妈拿药后 就可以回家了
真的还好 还好我还有最爱我的家人 不会离开我的家人
我闯了大祸 都有他们在帮我善后
如果没有他们 我真的会没有了全世界

妈咪告诉我 ksl打给她 gina已经到家了 要我别担心
谢谢你们 对不起
患难与共 友谊更长久

我们真的很幸运很幸运了 也许也是一个命中注定的劫
妈咪说 如果车照样拿去polish 不是我驾车 也许就没事
其实 如果gina去做工 就不用来学校 就可以避开了
从我撞向石道 再拉回来撞向石头的时候
路上完全没车 否则 不堪设想了

Picked from http://turtle0828.blogspot.com/


Soooo, okie !!! well!!!! Whom the named gina that she mentioned is me?????? Yup… actually, really cant understand ???? keeping nonstop calling me gina… gonna sued turtle after I studied communication law….damaging my reputation. I am 20 years old!!!! No more gina~~~~ okie, whatever u all like!!!!

So……I have no any comment on this accident. Just know that I bad luck. Three girls( turtle , ksl and me) in the car, I am the serious. where is the justification!!!!fragileeee! yerrrrr!!!!!! Still remember the blur moment after the accident, when I walked out form the car, my half cheek is blooded + faint+ vomit milo ( my early breakfast took in ksl house)

Whatever, this is just small case… everyone picnic. Adults say I am bad luck, wanna take me go see bomoh wat d… whatever I will followwww the instruction..don't so hesitate

I still remember, when the ambulance car came, ksl said something funny that make me laugh :prediction man said I can alive long long long yearsss” yippee!!!! That’s funny!!! She walked like a “duck” in ghospital…wakaka, since she also injured. But no need pity on her, because she went for steamboat after accident. Gerammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i want steamboat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus, I also remember the moment turtle sat beside me, after the accident occured.

She was worrying.. scaringgg… shakinggggggg

“ I don’t know how to tell my mother???”

“ gina, are you ok????????”

Wakakaka, she like a gina. But I didn't answer her.. because I was fainting and feeling not so ok… just let her talk intrapersonally…. I also don’t know who she talking to… talking nonstop d…….. I left her talk silently with no bodyyy?? Air???^^ its so funny

After onward, Samuel and shen lung came fetch me to grandmother house. Ksl called turtle mother to get know the condition of hers. When ksl off her phone :” turtle is crying and want come to see you…”wahaiiiiiii, turtle is child^^frog!!! Frogggg!!!!!

And, after few hours, I received many call and message. “ want me rest more, sleep more, eat more laaaaarhhhh ,scare I huirong, buta laarhhhhhhh+++ don’t eat egggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hellllllll!!!!! I cant survive without eggssss!!!!!

Especially seng yuh ting, she so sudden say she missss me so much, so as I do babe^^ hear pounding fast…

Whatever I love beauty!!!!! So I bear!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all laaaaa^^ bowwww

Good new… no more faint, no more vomit from now, thats why I am blogging^^ I strong plus got muscle some-more…ohohohoh… but i cant use my eye so often lol... so chillll

Good new….my sister promise accompany me go steamboat after I recovery… frog also!!!!or chair???

End… tik tok…hope I can attend to the d youth station game…. Wanna fight!!!!!! Rockkkkkk

Tik tok, on the clock.. counting the time to when I can get rid my threadddddddddd….. please kindly count with me^^

Some special words for someone…….. drop now….

For frog , make your mouth pop

For volcano, I want eat tomyam and buy new shirt

For cathyyy… thank you so much waaaaaaaaa

For Samuel, thx for fetching but I know I won”t see my blogg

For heart, seng, newlove,, hope to see you all soon. But not now, I am huirong now, mother need more rest

For dpr y2, rock yaaaaaaa!!! See you all in next monday

For working friends, thank for care

For dearest family especially grandmother for cooking healthy food for me

Ps: I don’t eat egg , I drink milkkk only!!!! Gonna missing newlove in hongkong… hope she will get a happy trip and dont forget my special souvenir^^ bow

So serious arghhhhhhhhh…..see the different!!!see my eye, one big one small!!!!!!!!! five needles!!!!!! Is 5!!!!! Beside me right eye…. Gonna huirong d!!!!!!!!!!!!!omg!!!!!!! i cant open my eyessss d... gonna buta!!!!! nooooooo, i am so bad luck!!!! bomoh please help me!!!!!!

1 条评论:

Pati 说...

Omg, it looked so serious la.. And you had stitches!! WTF.
Well, This was a long time ago la, so I'm REALLY REALLY glad that you are ok now.. Argh, I feel like such a shit friend for not caring enough.. I always so late 1.. Always last to know. -,-
YOU BE CAREFUL LA!! And I hope Yen Nee (I hope I spelt her name correctly!!) and Suet Li was ok.. And I hope everything got settled.. :)
Bad things happen sometimes, but that's ok because BETTER THINGS will happen and that would.. Balance out your life.
Take care Linyyyyyyyyyyy, I miss miss miss you so much.. <3 <3