

当我想出门时 会不会刚好是晴天
当我想念你的时候 会不会刚好你也在想我
当我到达红绿灯街头时 会不会刚好是绿灯
当我转角时 会不会刚好遇见你
下雨天的时候 我会不会刚好有带雨伞
当我想和可乐的时候 你会不会想喝柠檬
伤心难过时 朋友怎么都刚好消失无影
当我不开心的时候 你会不会刚好想用音乐来讨好我
我的知心朋友 会不会刚好是七个小矮人那么多
那天你告诉我 我的优点也刚好是我的缺点 我不明了
当我坐在树下时 传闻中的红苹果会不会刚好掉在我的头上
当我想找人陪时 你会不会刚好是一个人










眼泪稀里哗啦 我怎么那么没有用呀 走了大半天 只买两件十元的衣服 那么我不就不能打扮漂漂亮亮lo ^^
“ 不,现在衣服太老气, 加上衣服都很贵耶@#$%$#%@%^%$”
一件白衣服再加上简单的图案, 竟然要五十元@#$@#我大不了买一件五元的白衣,自己设计更好
呀呀呀,对不起,我有点失态了@.@ 可是我真的很想大骂”kanasai”
Easy come ,easy go

130209 ( 三十晚)
临时被两个宝贝放飞机 真的够倒霉 没有情人已经够衰了 还要被放飞机 ( 知道你们有苦衷 没有怪你们的意思)
为了准备爱的礼物 我倒霉极了 哟哟 不算什么 因为伊底笑容似光芒,不然何以伊对吾一笑,吾的心就晴朗了呢???
爱爱 祝你生日快乐 愿那个谁谁谁能够远离你 我不会安慰人 你知道的
We were young when I first saw you

没有情人的我 情人节当然是和家人度过的 我们去了极乐寺 咯了
She wears high heel I wear slipper…that why I am short!!!!

150209 ( 初二)
Pati 要飞了 me + mable+ ai + she went to gurney
Be with u will not waste my previous juz because you are special for us,.Anyway, GOOD LUCK IN YOUR STUDIES TOO , hope to see you soon
I want hug hug hug
i want nobody nobody but you
滔滔不绝的客人 我累垮了 可是有钱拿 yuhu^^
那道疤痕是我和他感情破裂的开始 那个6w 我踏不进了 对不起
Dead and gone

一个弟弟 一个哥哥傻傻人不清 你们也太像了吧
有没有老鼠洞 我伊玲想钻 *bizarre people
认识了一个韩国人 叫金 很开心呐^^
我+妹+弟 吃了十多块的水果 超high 的 爸爸你怎么越看越老了@>@
Stay away from juliet

谢谢你们这几天的帮忙” 老板也会有感性的一面
有花红 又有红包 还有五十元 yippee^^
不好意思 本小姐看到钱 眼睛就会开始闪亮起来 $.$
$$ i am your biggest fan

七早八早( 其实十二点了) 就被妹妹挖醒 还不算有吃亏 因为有看到林丝云的油画
哟哟 你是咱们中国人的骄傲 这天也是我第一次 出席画展
出席了joel先生的 house party , 又是一个极有钱的少爷
出席了一年一度的庙会 本来真的一点也不想去 因为很挤 在妹妹的汹涌下 我花了三十元 还有美丽的包包 流了一些汗 认识了一些咱们中国人的文化 和假版孔子拍了一张照 和 heart + miki+ p1 先生也有了美丽的邂逅
i gotta the feeling that today gonna be a good night

The future boom boom boom


happy cny 2010

wish all the best, happiness, well-being, beauty and last forever
and good luck in study

My new year wish
....more angpao, grow taller , more happiness....

happy birthday to dearest shin ai and happy valentin to all my friends



不是 妮喜欢她 她喜欢妮 就可以说出口

小语 :我答应你 下一世换我追妮……祝你幸福
“谢谢妮如此温柔 我强颜欢笑的度过”



那个我爱你 你爱她 她爱他 他爱我 的无聊游戏




嘿, 那个右边的男孩, 你怎么轻易带走我的心跳?

你的180度笑容 你那深邃的眼睛 洁白的小牙齿 还有甜美到爆的歌声

那个谁谁谁 我最最最讨厌


i Need A Real Man

大丈夫 蔡依林改
编词:陈镇川OA/OC:Jeberg Jonas/Stgvardt Mikkel Romee/Nich Hensen/Nina Moodfa

(Rap)我真的搞不太懂 你怎么会选择寂寞
要的通通都有 就少了那一个男朋友
你还要ㄍ一ㄥ 多久 你到底挑什么

听比说的多 不怕我啰嗦
知道我难过 陪着我沉默
手机桌布只有我 很多甜蜜小动作
自己吃饭没胃口 刷卡之前先问我
喜欢我朋友 也会爱我的狗
懂环保爱地球 保护我像英雄
总是大方介绍我 什么节日都记得
陪我减肥吃苹果 帮我买口红
I Don't Wanna Boyfriend(我不需要男朋友)
I Need A Real Man(我只需要一个有肩膀的大丈夫)
诚实的嘴 可靠的肩 温柔的眼
I Don't Wanna Boyfriend(我不需要男朋友)
I Need A Real Man(我只需要一个有肩膀的大丈夫)
Real Man Real Man Real Man Real Man
何时出现 何时出现 何时出现 何时出现
会玩会工作 会疯会生活
会下厨会运动 会爱会作梦
又像男孩又成熟 对我大方自己扣
教我绝招打电动 什么都有我
I Don't Wanna Boyfriend(我不需要男朋友)
I Need A Real Man(我只需要一个有肩膀的大丈夫)
诚实的嘴 可靠的肩 温柔的眼
I Don't Wanna Boyfriend(我不需要男朋友)
I Need A Real Man(我只需要一个有肩膀的大丈夫)
Real Man Real Man Real Man Real Man
(Rap)I Be Your Real Man
可会出现 可会出现 可会出现 可会出现
我现在有一点通 该怎么解决你寂寞
你说了两三分钟 我愿意换两三年去做
既然你ㄍ一ㄥ很久 要不要等等我
大丈夫耍酷耍温柔 肩膀什么都扛得动
我嘴唇轻轻动一动 就知道我在想什么
Just Show Me One Real Man(就让我看到一个有肩膀的大丈夫)
十项全男 Real Man
I Don't Wanna Boyfriend(我不需要男朋友)
I Need A Real Man(我只需要一个有肩膀的大丈夫)
诚实的嘴 可靠的肩 温柔的眼
I Don't Wanna Boyfriend(我不需要男朋友)
I Need A Real Man(我只需要一个有肩膀的大丈夫)
Real Man Real Man Real Man Real Man
I Don't Wanna Boyfriend(我不需要男朋友)
I Need A Real Man(我只需要一个有肩膀的大丈夫)
诚实的嘴 可靠的肩 温柔的眼
I Don't Wanna Boyfriend(我不需要男朋友)
I Need A Real Man(我只需要一个有肩膀的大丈夫)
Real Man Real Man Real Man Real Man
(Rap)Yeah A-ha I Need A Real Man
I'm Same Like This Girl

Seem like everyone keep asking me why I am still single now, I am here writing blog to answer them

First and foremost, the most important point, I am very enjoy my single life and I want to focus on my study

Second, besides study I ought to work , and learn lot of things, I even didn’t have extra time for having a good sleep. Did u all think that I will have time for dating

Aha aha my friends said that are my excuse
So I answered them :
“ if want count truEly I have four boy friends before…”
For me, want or not a boy friend IT s a depend. You have to meet the right person in a rIGHT
time… why should we so care must have a boy friend after 18 years old”

“ but you will be alone in valentine day…”
“ not you are wrong, I gotta to date my dear…”

Aha aha
I try to find an article about why you are single?
This are the statement
1. Because you're afraid of commitment
Indeed!!! i scare for commitment. A promise is a promise. i don’t like what kinda 1314, love you forever… sorry I don’t believe silly promise. although I make a statement with some one I will regret soon

2. Because you're in love with yourself
Oh yea… that’s the point. I put myself in the first unless u are my dearest friends and family

3. Because you're cheap
Yes yes… seem like everyone like to say I smaller in size, short, less hair , small teeth, small eyes, short legs and small mouth. That why I am cheap!!!

4. Because you're desperate
Yea....when I am not enough money

5. Because you're too shy
YES!!! I am shy when I am having presentation in class

6. Because you just got dumped and vowed never to love again
super NO! I never swear it before. But, I maybe happen in my fourth years old

7. Because you can't get over your ex
Probably no… maybe yes

8. Because you've no style
yes, i don't have. As my cousin also said I am no style. Always wear shirt and jean!!! Yup , I really am!!!

9. Because you're allergic to everything
Yes....but enthusiasm with money and my future

10. Because you just date with those with 5C
Hmm… I don’t think so… why I should rush to meet true love… I am still young!!!
i love myself lot^^



#%$%$@#%^ a girl that I know from my work last two year. I can’t deny she was charming, attractive and fetching in my first sight with twinkle twinkle when she walked in front of me. Glamour!!! she really caught my eyes when I was enjoying lunch there. Meanwhile, I haven’t start my work there yet... After my SPM , my mum wanted me to work there, seem that I lazy to have stupid interview , so I work there as well as my sister too.

Before I make friend with her, everyone of my gang especially my sister tells me that she is black-hearted, play girl, and ambitious. “She is really a fantastic, she can know what are boys thinking about, and she will kill boy heart slowly and the boy affected by her blindly…”
What a hell!!! I thought. I can’t believe at all. Erstwhile, I thought the first word she talked to me.
that day, the restaurant is full of customers, unfortunately that was my first day I worked there. Every worker from there was busy working, seem I was new there and don’t know all the procedures. All people were busy and ignored me indirectly, so what I can do is figure out by myself..alone “damn fuck” I was really unhappy with, and sweet voice spoken in my ears “ hey, you should do……” yes , was she !!! She the only one who was willing to lend her hand in that time.

After that , I understood her slowly and recognized what my gang had told me what kinda people she are. What a ghostly encounter that I ever meet. Till now, I can’t imagine she and me had a same x boy friend before. How come har? Fortunately, I already broke with him. luckily...

One more important thing that makes me hates her lots. Many people recognized me as her before. I am really mind of it. Did those people bull shit???? How come I same with her? I am taller and thinner than her, and she is white I am dark. Walao e, a bid crush yesterday, I met a people that called me from a distance, when I near to the people, she said “ har? Who you are? I think you are @#@$@#”
Slang, I keep asking people opinion did real I am having same look with her. But, most people said “maybe u and she are wearing same uniform, same long of hair…..” pathetic. Bubbles, keep you all mouth shut. I shouted at them. I do not think so!!!! She and me are totally two different people…. That is why every time when I see her, my mood will becomes down and down down…

Sorrowful, painful, speechless. hopeless. If next time still persist people that call me @#$#@%$#%$# I gonna to kill me myself.

Although, she never do anything rude on me. I can’t understand why I hate her very very much. Maybe because of her voice. She always tends to raise up her voice when she ordering. Comely, maybe people will think that she is cute but pls do not count me in.

gonna to see her later work.really $!@#$#@%$



burst outburst outburst outburst out
lingerlinger linger linger linger linger

DEar all my dearest friends,

omg .... i am totally a rubbish now
start with life with net and net , work and work , eat and eat ,blog and blog end with sleep
yesterday my life is a heda. the new pape of life begins tomorrow again

did u all know i am waiting for ur all date
argh~~~~damn boring

your lovely friend,




现在是晚上十二时 家里喧哗欲隆阵耳 天崩地裂

幸福的密语:听妈妈的话 别让我受伤

Find time for yourself.
in vain



回顾2009 热闹风光却又无人理解的孤寂



迈入2010 终于步上新的人生



