The pr campaign
The first day
“Wow.. it’s my time to perform? Is everyone looking at me? Can’t they disappear now? Can I faint now? May my legs stop shaking? God bless me…”
Wow, we- ksl, kexin, joeyee, ming yee and me performed a dance ‘circus’ during the opening ceremony. Wow, it was done and past. Poorly, I think I affected whole performance. I forgot almost all steps on the stage. Fuck me. All right, it was over. Saving my energy for the second day is better than I cry. I am so useless. Felt so embrace in front of journalists, lecturers and friends.
Erm, before our dance performance, it’s the highlight. Guys are performed well with crazy emotion. Go go power ranger… my childhood’s memory. They looked more serious than we practiced yesterday.
Follow, the singer from newz girl evvone, my classmate lead the choir, our theme song of our campaign. She sang well. As well as fatfat tan la.
Later I rush off earlier for preparing my mother birthday party. Happy birthday, my mother. I love you all of my heart.
Ps: no sad. No feeling. I want donate blood. I missed the wonderful photo shooting competition. aiya. haix.
Day Two
Wow, wonderful and most tired day…
We did a grateful fashion today. Well, they are so beautiful indeed. With 7cm of high heels , amazing hair stylish and beautiful natural clothes, they are incredible beautiful naturally Especially our volcano and hng ke xin. And nichole and joeyee and amy. Big applause la.
Big applause for me too be the game master for make sure you know the colors. Many hours around. We did put lot of afford as we can. Especially apple. And also little bit useless plastic man, hwoe hao.
And all y2m55’s classmate. Say rock. We are the best. I really happy that I heard somebody said that ‘the game you all organize made us want to skip classes”. Firstly I so scared that nobody will play our game. Anyway, thank god. I love you. It indicated the good beginning of us.
And also bad new today. I cant donate blood. Why? Always. This is the third time I attend to the blood donation campaign but none of day that I can success donate blood. How come? God treated me so bad. Really so bad. So ridiculous. But, never mind . ksl and su boon also cant donate blood because of some reasons.
Say yeah. Tomorrow is the last day. I receive what we reap.
Say hey, Going to pizza hut’s house tomorrow after the campaign finished.
Ps. Papapalapa, I am loving it.
