haiz,finally i can update my blog^^
Dear my blog babe,i hove lot of secret want to share with you^^
Recently,i am too "busy".Ton of assignment presentation and test covered all my leisure time.I don't even have a good time to sleep or have an intrapersonal communication with myself. Pathetic.How come har?maybe it's my time for growing up...maybe maybe...?but, can u give me more time to sleep ????^^woohoo^^Meanwhile,i can experince with something new, people and gain new knowledge...it's the time to train myself how to deal with dillema, face the stuggles and escape myself thinking of him..i also realise that i have more encourage to perform my talk during presentation compare to last semester..oh yaeh^^give me an applouse,haha^^but i know i still need to improve a lot and do more pratice..sure i will!!!i promise^^
aha aha^^
somebody wants me to seek out the reason why i still didnt have a boyfriend now...swt..Can someone please don't mention that silly question...no one interests in me, how can i control it? haha,i answered^^Actually i dont even have time to sleep..I can't imagine how bad THAT the situation if i am in a love relationship,maybe i will older faster haha^^ although i hope too
losing hope
"single and available"
Dear blog,sorry i broke my promise
i sleep at class almost everyday...i am really exhausted..
"friend, u have to rescue me,let me have a good sleep^^"i put my friend's tupperware in table to block the view of the lecture on me...i clever le?and i start to close my eye and my ears IN barely.I try to find a ridiculous excuse "because i work last night d^^"haiz,it's a bad behaviuor ,no good X.X I suppose don"t did agian and agian indeed
nono!!!i have to mend it before it's to late~~~action more than word xD
eelin ,please take action abo you will regret soon~~and beg you dont even think that wanna skip any classes...stop dreaming okie? ^^
Dear blog,sorry i broke my promise
i sleep at class almost everyday...i am really exhausted..
"friend, u have to rescue me,let me have a good sleep^^"i put my friend's tupperware in table to block the view of the lecture on me...i clever le?and i start to close my eye and my ears IN barely.I try to find a ridiculous excuse "because i work last night d^^"haiz,it's a bad behaviuor ,no good X.X I suppose don"t did agian and agian indeed
nono!!!i have to mend it before it's to late~~~action more than word xD
eelin ,please take action abo you will regret soon~~and beg you dont even think that wanna skip any classes...stop dreaming okie? ^^
DReam with no reaction, so critical.
somebody,u are right^^i failed
i still missing the little boy >.<>
i still missing my old number.Although i have change my new handphone number almost a month,i still din dunnoe what are the numbers ..how come har?maybe i should not change my handphone number...Regret from now...over^^please dont think so much...STOP!!!STOP!!!EELIN YOU GONNA TO STOP IT,PLEASE?
somebody,u are right^^i failed
i still missing the little boy >.<>
i still missing my old number.Although i have change my new handphone number almost a month,i still din dunnoe what are the numbers ..how come har?maybe i should not change my handphone number...Regret from now...over^^please dont think so much...STOP!!!STOP!!!EELIN YOU GONNA TO STOP IT,PLEASE?
a deep dillema inside
having a good time with my dear friends recently
that' s something changes between us...obviously
that' s something changes between us...obviously
common topics become less and less...lifestyle...stories...new friends...
since we separate and adapt to new environment, some feeling is lost~.~ i hate that feeling
If i say u all still the best friends in my heart, did you all still believe and treat the same way as me?
i am have a bad feeling this few days
i know i am not a prefect as "other" and i know i am a stupid. But can u please dont shout me in the class? i cant bear of it!!!i admit that i am short temparate unlike "other" can pretend no mind of it. Did u realise that how u treat me so rudely and unfair? its obviously!!!if you dont like me,please say it out and let us stop the our relationship, i wont ever and never regret,honestly.I am really can't understand you as well as you dont understand. I am really tired and i gonna work everyday, really have no more energy have a quarrel with you. I cant find the reason that where and what i am did wrong to you and u feel that u are so hate me. Very irrating. If i am really did wrong, can you all speak out? Complicating...
sobbing three seconds
continuIN my sleep
apartIN from this world for a while
since we separate and adapt to new environment, some feeling is lost~.~ i hate that feeling
If i say u all still the best friends in my heart, did you all still believe and treat the same way as me?
i am have a bad feeling this few days
i know i am not a prefect as "other" and i know i am a stupid. But can u please dont shout me in the class? i cant bear of it!!!i admit that i am short temparate unlike "other" can pretend no mind of it. Did u realise that how u treat me so rudely and unfair? its obviously!!!if you dont like me,please say it out and let us stop the our relationship, i wont ever and never regret,honestly.I am really can't understand you as well as you dont understand. I am really tired and i gonna work everyday, really have no more energy have a quarrel with you. I cant find the reason that where and what i am did wrong to you and u feel that u are so hate me. Very irrating. If i am really did wrong, can you all speak out? Complicating...
sobbing three seconds
continuIN my sleep
apartIN from this world for a while